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Hangry Thief

Hangry Thief details

Hangry Thief overview

The Game:
You haven't eaten all day and someone thought it’d be fun to make dinner a competition. You’re Hungry, Angry, and WANT YOUR FOOD!

How It Works:
Everyone starts with 3 Food cards and 6 Action cards.

Use your actions to make the most amazing meal each round to win a LESS HUNGRY card. Get 3 to win and be fully satisfied.


Play an action. Help yourself and sabotage your opponents!
After an action everyone discards down to 3 food cards. Make sure to pick the best ones you have.

It's a game of Strategy and Sabotage.
You need to balance between hedging bets early on, optimizing your meal before the end of the round, and sabotaging other player plans!

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