Recent Articles & Reviews by Zack Church

I am a lifelong gamer who started on Euchre and Hearts as a child, picked up Magic: the Gathering as a teen, and has grown to love board games of all shapes and sizes as an adult. My current top three games are Everdell, Orleans, and Brass: Birmingham; my most played games this year are Cartographers and Crokinole. I love learning and teaching new games, and believe that everyone having a fun time at the table is far more important than whether I win.

Professionally, I work alongside college students to ensure their success by meeting their mental health needs, and ensuring they have a positive residential experience. I am a lucky husband, father to two wonderful kids, and a Nashville-area native.  In my non-board game free time I am an avid reader of books, watcher of movies, and listener of music. Passionate about mental health, DEI, and student success. Volunteer with Meeple Mountain for Nashville Tabletop Day, as a mentor with TN Achieves, and with the Trevecca Urban Farm. (feel free to link either my Twitter or Instagram handles—both @thechurchishere and will often have board game related content)

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