The End is Nigh – Mechs vs Minions Launch Black Friday Countdown

The End is Nigh – Mechs vs Minions Launch Black Friday Countdown

Riot Games Announce Mechs vs. Minions

It’s hard not to be have been blown away by the full court press of marketing that Riot Games released earlier this week announcing a board game tie in to their blockbuster hit “League of Legends”. With more than 100 miniatures, a campaign mode, modular boards, and metal components this game looks like it could have been produced by some of the top names in the industry. Instead, Riot chose to develop the entire game in house and partner with Panda Games to manufacture it.

Mechs vs Minions

The game will be available for purchase on October 13, and will be priced at a measly $75. With only 30,000 copies for sale, look to see these going on eBay for hundreds upon hundreds of dollars…unless no one’s selling!


Google Creates “Deck of Cards”

Not normally newsworthy, but interesting nonetheless. Google is known for being involved in everything from floating airships dispensing wireless signals to self-driving cars. Now the company best known for it’s flagship search engine is taking some of their most popular search queries and printing them on decks of cards. No word on whether customers will be able to purchase these or not. Examples include:

Heath Ledger in Batman

Elvis the _ of Rock and Roll

Google playing cards


Fantasy Flight Announces Two New “Figure and Tile” Expansions for Mansions of Madness

The two new expansions, respectively titled “Recurring Nightmares” and “Suppressed Memories”, will add new figures, tiles, and monster and character miniatures.

Manions of Madness Recurring Nightmares expansion

The Recurring Nightmares expansion will include all of the monsters, investigators, and tiles from the Mansions of Madness First Edition core game. The Suppressed Memories expansion will contain figures and tiles from the Call of the Wild and Forbidden Alchemy expansions.


Countdown to AEG’s Black Friday Black Box Begins

Alderac's Black Friday Box


“The End is Nigh” Deduction Game Launches on Kickstarter

“The End is Nigh,” by Mystic Ape Games, is a “Pre-Apocalyptic Deduction Game” where players are trying to survive an asteroid collision. Unfortunately, the bunker is overcrowded with refugees and some people will need to be kicked out. Some refugees are secret cultists who are trying to sabotage the bunker and bring about the destruction of humanity.

The End is Nigh

Players must deduce which refugees are cultists and kick them out before the clock hits midnight. The game takes 15-20 minutes and plays 3-6. The End is Nigh has already met its funding goal with 27 days to go. A pledge of $15 will get you the game and all stretch goals.


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About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I run Nashville Game Night, and Nashville Tabletop Day.

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